Know Yourself To Succeed Watch Preview

Are you thinking of starting something on your own especially in these troubled times?   Are you happy at work and passionate about what you do? Do you wake up every day looking forward to your day at work or are you dragging your feet to work every day?   Awareness is the key to defining our job satisfaction in our professional life.  Discover your inborn talent, build on skills, and unleash your potential.

To be on your journey towards a happier and more successful you, these are the key areas to have awareness:
1) Know yourself, your motivations and talents to develop.
2) Understand, communicate and influence others towards common goals.
3) With awareness, the next step is to take action in the right direction.
- Discover the roles you will shine in.
- If you decide to start out on your own, what is the best model of business to explore opportunities.

These are what you'll learn In this course:
1) Know Yourself - About yourself (Bazi Profile), your inborn talents, motivations, and passions. Once we know ourselves well, we will then be able to benefit from that knowledge and shape our future.  
2) Understand Others - to succeed in life, you need to get the support of others, understand them to be able to influence them.
3) Build Effective Relationships - Techniques to communicate with others, influence your superior and peers and motivate your subordinates.
4) 4 Steps To A Happier and More Successful You

1) Your Personalized Career Profiling Report (U.P. US$29)
2) The Entrepreneur in YOU (E-Book U.P. US$9.99)


"I must say the online course “Know Yourself & Succeed” is a steal. I am glad I had attended the course. There were many learning points from the course. Janet shared practical examples and explained concepts in an easy to understand manner. In her natural pleasant disposition, combined with her knowledge and professionalism, Janet made the online learning a great pleasure."
Mrs Tay, Singapore.

“The Bazi career profile from Janet is simple and easy to understand. It helps one to find a balance in their career based on their profile. This will make one happier and achieve tranquillity in work, and will have a positive effect on other areas in life.”

Arnold Industrial Engineer MNC Logistics Company, Singapore

“Definitely a very productive training program. It made me aware of my intrinsic strengths that I can utilize in my everyday work.”

Mr J R Plogio, Fortune 500 MNC

“A uniquely Asian Concept for Leadership and Organizational Development, Janet has been able to move from simplifying the concepts of Bazi...”

Benjamin Q. Avancena CEO & Senior Partner OneAsia Healthcare Solutions Pte Ltd, Asia Pacific

Here are some common questions that you might have about the course:

Q1. Who is the course suitable for?
This course is designed for anyone who is interested to discover their innate talent, characteristics, talent and passion. Janet adapted the traditional Bazi system to the Asian Personality Profiling System to allow anyone even if you do not have any Chinese Metaphysics knowledge to understand themselves.  This knowledge can also be applied to understanding your family members, friends, colleagues and superior.  As shown in the above rave reviews, many students and readers of Janet's Being Happy and Successful series of books have benefited from this system.  You can click on the links below to read more  of her clients' testimonials.

Here are links to more testimonials from her clients:

Q2. I'm at a different time zone and may not be able to dial in for the lessons.
As the lessons including the group coaching sessions are all recorded, you can take your time to watch and re-watch the lessons at your own pace and at your own time zone. You will also have access to the calculators and software 24/7.

Q3. I'm still quite busy and tied up with my career and business and I am afraid that I won't be able to learn this subject well.
As mentioned earlier, all the lessons are recorded, you can take your time to watch and re-watch the lessons at your own pace and at your own time zone. Moreover, with the impending change over to Period 9 in 2024, it is even more crucial that you have a head start, take the time to learn at your own pace, apply the knowledge so that you can bring your career, business and relationship to the next level or build that additional stream of income as a coach or consultant in future years.

Q4. What if I have questions during the course and need clarifications?
Besides welcoming you to the course, Janet will be checking on your progress in the program through the platform. You will be able to email her directly for clarifications to any of the lessons. 

13 Lessons

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Welcome & Introduction

Welcome and Get Your Personalized Career Profiling Report

Get Your Personalized Career Profiling Report

Know Yourself (Part 1)- The 5 Orientations

Part One: Module 1 - The 5 Orientations

The JYPQ Chart & 5 Orientations

Know Yourself (Part 2) - The 10 Profiles

Module 2 - The 10 Profiles

The 10 Profiles

Know Yourself (Part 3) - The 10 Day Masters

Module 3a - The 10 Day Masters - Wood

Wood - Who you are and your characteristics

Module 3b - The 10 Day Masters (Fire)

Fire - Who you are and your characteristics

Module 3c - The 10 Day Masters (Earth)

Earth - Who you are and your characteristics

Module 3d - The 10 Day Masters (Metal)

Metal - Who you are and your characteristics

Module 3e - The 10 Day Masters (Water)

Water - Who you are and your characteristics

Know Yourself (Part 4) - The PATHS Mobile App

Module 4 - Utilizing The PATHS™ Mobile App

PATHS Instructional Video - JYPQ Chart

Understand Others & Communicate With Success

Part Two: Module 5 - Communicating with Others at Work For Success

Learn how you can communication with your Superior, Colleague and Subordinate for Success and Teamwork

Part Three: Module 6 - Build Effective Relationships

Steps To A Happier and More Successful You

Part Four: Module 7 - A Happier & More Successful YOU

Module 8: The Entrepreneur in YOU